Curiosity Quest

Beginning Your Journey to Empowerment

Are you feeling stuck in a cycle of hesitation and doubt, yearning to break free and pursue the dreams that tug at your heartstrings? Do you find yourself craving a sense of empowerment and clarity, unsure of where to begin on your journey towards fulfillment? If so, you're not alone. Many of us grapple with the internal struggle of wanting to take action on our dreams simply because we can’t name what is holding us back.

The truth is, navigating the path towards our dreams can feel daunting, especially when faced with the relentless whispers of self-doubt and the weight of societal expectations.

We may find ourselves-

  • paralyzed by indecision

  • unsure of how to move forward or where to even begin

  • frustrated over lack of clarity and direction

  • disconnected and disempowered

  • longing for a way to break free from the confines of our fears and limitations

The fears we don’t face become our limits
— Robin Sharma

The Firefly Scout Curiosity Quest is a journey toward finding what lights us up by noticing what holds us back inspired by the fears of Human Design Spleen Gates. This transformative resource uses contemplative audio tracks combined with walking as a holistic approach to overcoming the barriers that stand between you and your dreams.

By untethering yourself from daily life for a few moments, you will immerse yourself in nature to reset your nervous system while bringing awareness to the instinctual fears that are part of the human experience, leading you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment unlike any other. A free printable pdf guide exploring the fears of the Spleen Center gates so that you can get out of your own way and go deeper in your journey of self discovery.

And start to discover-

  • How this can all be fun

  • What your intuition is telling you

  • Patterns that can shift your trajectory

Are you ready to start your own Curiosity Quest?

One Step at a Time

You’ll notice what holds you back.

With each step, you'll peel back the layers of conditioning and societal norms that have kept you tethered to the status quo, allowing you to tap into the wisdom of your instinctual fears and unlock the door to profound transformation. Guided by the rhythm of your heart and the whispers of nature, you'll gain clarity and insight into your deepest desires, empowering you to take aligned action towards the life you've always envisioned.

After experiencing our mindful movement walking meditation, you'll emerge with a newfound sense of empowerment and purpose, ready to boldly step into the life of your dreams. You'll feel grounded in yourself, anchored in the truth of who you are and what you're capable of achieving. With each stride forward, you'll embody the courage and resilience that lie dormant within you, igniting a ripple effect of positive change in your life and the world around you.

Don't let fear hold you back from living a life that lights you up from within.

Embrace your journey, unlock your path to empowerment, and step boldly into the radiant future that awaits. Download our Human Design inspired mindful movement meditation today and start walking towards the life of your dreams. The adventure begins now.


The Journey Begins!

If you're ready to shine a light on (and take action on) what holds you back from living a life that lights you up, it's time to start the Firefly Scout Curiosity Quest!

green and brown backpack on rock

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    Free Walking Meditation Resource and workbook inspired by Human Design to notice and let go of the fears that hold you back from living your best life.